Embracing Hospitality: 5 Simple Ways to Prep Your Home for Guests

Embracing Hospitality: 5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Guests

Welcoming guests into your home is an opportunity to create meaningful connections and foster a sense of belonging. It’s a gift! Whether you're hosting friends, family or neighbours, preparing your home sets the stage for a beautiful occasion to feed and connect.   

Here are five ways to prep your home for guests, focusing on a quick tidy of common areas, preparing simple meals, and embracing hospitality with warmth, kindness and thoughtfulness. 

1. Tidy Up Areas You Will Be Using
Keep it simple. Instead of striving for perfection, do a quick clean and tidy, focusing on the areas that will be used by your guests, such as the entryway, living room and bathroom. Clear away clutter, fold throws, fluff pillows, wipe the bathroom sink and counter, set out fresh towels and replenish the toilet paper roll. The thoughtful care you put into creating a welcoming environment is a generous gift. You will feel better and more prepared after a quick tidy and reset. 

2. Prepare Simple and Nourishing Meals:
When it comes to meal preparation, simplicity is key. Who doesn’t appreciate a meal someone else has cooked? I sure do! Choose easy-to-make dishes that showcase fresh, seasonal ingredients and can be prepared ahead of time. If you have an island in your kitchen, consider serving buffet-style.

Whether it’s a charcuterie board, soup, salad and a fresh loaf of sourdough bread from the local bakery, let your guests feel the love and warmth as they gather around your table. I love adding fresh blooms to a mason jar vase to the dinner table for an extra special touch. Set the table in advance and add some cute napkins for a simple yet thoughtful presentation. 

3. Embrace Imperfection:
Hospitality is not about striving for perfection; it's about embracing imperfection.  Let go of unrealistic expectations and offer the gift of connection over coffee or a meal. Give yourself permission to enjoy this time together and if things don't go as planned or if your home isn't spotless, remember your guests are there to spend time with you, not to judge your home.  Keep the doors closed to other rooms in your home.   

4. Be Thoughtful and Kind:
Thoughtfulness and kindness are the heart and soul of hospitality. Take the time to consider your guests' needs and preferences ... preparing their favourite snacks, setting out cozy throws, showing genuine interest in their well-being and make them feel valued and appreciated. Small gestures of kindness go a long way in creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.  

5. Authenticity is beautiful 
Be authentic in your hospitality. You are not "entertaining" your guests, but rather you are offering an act of hospitality!  This friend, is what qualifies you to host.  I read a quote today by Mel Robbins that applies to so many areas of life ... Yes, even hospitality!  "There is only one you, and there will never be another one. THAT is your power".  I love that. Be you!

Share stories, laughter, and heartfelt conversations with your guests, creating moments of connection and friendship. Your authenticity will make your guests feel at ease and inspire them to be themselves as well. The most memorable gatherings are those where genuine connections take place, where words of life and encouragement are spoken, received and cherished. 

As you prepare your home for guests, remember that hospitality is not about perfection or a spotless and tidy home, it's about creating a space where love, connection and kindness thrive. 

By a quick tidy up, preparing simple meals, embracing imperfection, being thoughtful, kind and authentic, you'll create a welcoming haven where guests feel valued, appreciated and right at home. 

Happy hosting my friend!